Terms & conditions
The Verifiable.Trade Foundation Website Terms
You are bound by the following provisions including the provisions regarding cookies and privacy policy (the "Verifiable.Trade Foundation Website Terms"), if you visit the Verifiable.Trade's website. Only the Verifiable.Trade Website Terms shall govern your visit. If you do not accept the Verifiable.Trade Foundation Website Terms, you are not authorized to visit the Verifiable.Trade Foundation's website and must not make any use of the information provided or available for download.
The Verifiable.Trade Foundation reserves to change its Website at any time and without prior notice.
The Verifiable.Trade Foundation's website is covered by copyright. You must not copy, download or use in any way the entire website or parts thereof contains documents. You are only authorized to visit it by way of your browser.
You may insert a link to the Verifiable.Trade Foundation's website in your own website, provided your website is fully compliant with any and all applicable legislation. The Verifiable.Trade reserves to block such linked access in the event of irregularities.
The Verifiable.Trade Foundation's website provides informational documents and content of various kinds ("Website Materials") which are covered by copyright if not stated otherwise. The Website Materials are
either provided under a Creative Commons Zero License, i.e. dedicated to the public domain (www.creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0), so that you may download, copy, modify, distribute such Website Materials without asking for permission, even for commercial purposes;
or provided with copyright restrictions as indicated on a case by case basis, which strictly govern your use of such Website Materials.
The Verifiable.Trade Foundation trademark is owned by the Verifiable.Trade Foundation Except as contained, and unaltered, in Website Materials, you are prohibited from any use of the Verifiable.Trade Foundation trademark.
Website Materials and whatever other information or data downloaded, by way of simple download or by employing website services, from the Verifiable.Trade Foundation's website are provided strictly "as is". Although reasonable efforts are undertaken to provide reliable and up-to-date Website Materials and other information and data, the Verifiable.Trade Foundation waives any liability, responsibility, warranty or guarantee whatsoever to the greatest extent legally possible.
While reasonable efforts are undertaken to protect the Verifiable.Trade Foundation's website from manipulation, hacking and malware, and to ensure continuous availability and accessibility of the website and its services, the Verifiable.Trade Foundation waives any liability, responsibility, warranty or guarantee whatsoever to the greatest extent legally possible.
Links to third party websites are provided for convenience only. You must not assume that the Verifiable.Trade Foundation agrees with, or adopts, or acknowledges, any of such third party's website contents. Further, the Verifiable.Trade Foundation has neither checked the accuracy, reliability or content of any content provided on third party websites. If you feel that a third party website to which the Verifiable.Trade Foundation website provides a link contains wrong, improper or illegal contents, please inform the Verifiable.Trade Foundation by using the facilities provided at the end of these Website Terms, whereupon the Verifiable.Trade Foundation shall investigate and, in the event, react. Any other liability, responsibility, warranty or guarantee whatsoever is waived to the greatest extent legally possible.
Regarding cookies and privacy, please see
the Verifiable.Trade Foundation's cookies policy
the Verifiable.Trade Foundation's privacy policy
Law and Jurisdiction: The Verifiable.Trade Foundation's website is operated by the Verifiable.Trade Foundation, established under Swiss law and domiciled in Basel/Switzerland. This website is accordingly governed exclusively by the laws of Switzerland, and in case of disputes the Courts of Basel shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
For enquiries regarding the Website Terms, please use this feedback form.
Valid as of 2025-01-01